Taweez Spiritual Energy Ruqaiyah
Hadith on Taweez
Explanation About the Different Taweez by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi:
"(These taweez are given) by Ijaza Izatullah that’s by Allah (AJ)'s will. Allah wills these gifts to the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). That’s a given. For people with very small brain capacity. They say, “Oh, is this against Allah’s will?” No, this is all Allah’s will. This is Allah’s gift to the ashiqeen and those who follow the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s); these are the treasures of the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). That’s why, remember, we’re in the (second) jahiliyyah, so nobody understands any of this, and they don’t even understand when we put the taweez upon our clothing, the say “Why you have taweez upon the clothing?” Go and google “Islamic Armory”, anyone with any questions, google “Islamic Armory”. So in times of battle, all their armor was Qur’an and the durood and love of the Prophet (s). All their helmets were armour, all their facemasks were Qur’an and Allah’s names. All their swords were Qur’an and Allah’s names. Everything they put upon it Allah (AJ)'s names and words as a power. And that gives power to everything, protection to everything. So that is the Islamic way. Then these satanic people told everybody not to do that. And as a result, then they walk with no protection. And nothing dressing them, blessing them. And that’s all that shaytan wanted. So this is the tradition of Islam. This was the tradition of Islamic buildings and mosques and our persons and personalities, was to adorn ourselves with Allah’s names upon ourselves to be dressed by these realities."
Explanations of
the Different Taweez:
Allahu Haqq Taweez:
The story of the Allahu Haqq taweez given to Grandshaykh 'Abdullah al'Fai'iz Daghestani.
Where to display it: The Naqshbandi “Allahu Haqq” taweez should be worn upon the person, as well as placed throughout the house and every room, on the right corner of every glass throughout the house.
Asab al Kahf Taweez:
"When Allah (AJ) described Asab al Kahf, they merely came to the presence of the cave, and the hayybah and energy that was emanating put fear into the hearts of people who had a bad desire. So Asab al Kahf and the taweez of Asab al Kahf carry their names, and as a result of their names on the taweez, their tajalli and their presence are there to guard that reality. So that provides a hayybah from somebody entering into a premises."
Where to Display it: The Asab al Kahf taweez is a protection for the entry of your home, inshAllah.
Jinn Taweez:
"The Jinn taweez then from these AwliyaAllah is asking from the Jinn communities to provide from their people protection from what we can’t see. That’s their world. So, they have to come to watch over. The energies that emit from them are from a Heavenly source. It’s a light people don’t see. If they can see, then they would see it. But it emits light from Malakut, which is enough to come after the nefarious creatures and beings that have no good intentions, inshAllah.
Where to Display it: The Jinn taweez is for each room of the house and the car, inshAllah.
Seal of Prophethood Taweez:
The Shaykh was speaking to a group of ladies from Turkey and said: "This is the seal (pointing to a picture on the wall) that was between the shoulders of our Holy Prophet ﷺ. Hang this on the wall at home. While looking at it, repeat three times: “As Salatu Wa Salamu Alayka ya Rasul Allah. As Salatu Wa Salamu Alayka ya Habib Allah. As Salatu Wa Salamu Alaykam As Sayyidil Awwalina Wal Akhirin.” No misfortune or harm will come to you." ~Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani
Najm Suleiman Taweez and 313 Messengers Taweez:
"From the number 313 messengers of Allah, and out of 124, 000 AwliyaAllah there are 313 who inherit from the messengers of Allah, that they have a tongue given to them to deliver a message upon this earth. Not that they are Messengers, but Prophet (s) gives them an inheritance to teach. And that 313 has to be that they carry the reality of this najm (star), what they call Najm Suleyman, Najm Dawood, but its actually Najm Sayyidina Muhammad (s). He said, “All my companions are like stars. Anyone of them you follow, you will be guided.” Stars - najm. So, Prophet (s) is the owner of all stars. So that’s his (s) universe. Everything shining within that universe is a Muhammadan Light. So then that is the reality of the star that inherits that reality so that they can speak. So there’s 3 points up and 3 points down. Anyone who understands the 3 points up is the reality of their soul. 3 points down is then the reality of their physicality. How to tame their physicality and empower their soul so that these two triangles begin to cross. That the soul will discipline the physicality, and as a result, this najm is then brought together. And then Allah sits upon the throne of the believer at that time. So that becomes the 1. So its 3 points up, 3 points down, and if they come together, Allah will bring the 1 into the heart then from that power, that servant can speak representing the 1, inshallah. And that 3 plus 1 plus 3 is 7, so they inherit from the 7, and these are the 7 holy openings of the Divinely Face."
For more information, please read the article: Make Your Heart the Sun and Your Face the Moon - 313 Star of Realities
Where to Display it: This can be displayed in the rooms of the house and the car, inshAllah.
Etiquette for Wearing Taweez Upon the Body:
"When you go for washing facility, you take those (clothing with taweez & Sunnah rings) off and you go and wash and clean yourself. When you are ritually clean, then again you put them back on if you’re wearing an outer garment. The taweez necklace is already wrapped within leather, so that’s to be secured upon the body at all times (including washroom). Your greatest battle will be in the washroom facility, ‘cause that’s the abode and house of shaytan."